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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chicken Update, or why I hate foxes.

Following our chicken related dramas of the last week we have had our new chooks spend 2 nights in one of the goose coops.....
It is very lucky that the goose coops are strong well-built and secured, as it seems that the scent and sound of chickens is far more attractive to the local fox population (which has been getting worse and worse over the last 12 months). Thanksully the fact that this coop had not been previously tested was strong, here is our happy and probably oblivious young family.
Not quite settled yet, but to ensure that they do the newly secured chicken coop will be put into action this evening!

So, what's a chook auction?

Much has changed at Blackmore House in 4 years and we now find ourselves having to go back to the beginning with the chickens.
I have been quite depressed for the last week with no chooks in the garden, it has felt quiet.

To return to the theme of new beginnings, there have been fun times, very sad times, lots of learning and not a few arguments along the way; it is I hope an excellent basis for a new flock.

From small beginnings... let us hope our many lessons are well learned and that Louis, Billie and Ella enjoy a long and successful life. (Billie not pictured but take my word for it she is VERY beautiful)

We started in 2009 with 3 Salmon Faverolles and here we are 2012 with 3 Black Faverolles, thanks to Chris and Kashmir Poultry Stud.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last logs to move

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Sara sewing with her treadle-powered vintage Singer

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Update: It took 2 full weeks of daily use, more than daily oiling and a little kero based cleaning to get this machine running almost perfectly. My 201K-21 suffers only user deficiency now and it stitches beautifully with a smooth, quiet, even stitch that still makes me giggle like a girl.